
Welcome!   I’m Clare Norelle, a bilingual community yoga teacher in Madison Wisconsin.   I offer a variety of yoga classes in English and Spanish, including yin yoga, gentle hatha, flow yoga, and chair yoga.

Through Greenroot Yoga LLC  I also offer individual and group sessions in Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY), an adjunct treatment for complex trauma, and presentations in English and Spanish about complex trauma and body-centered healing. 



The earth our mother always says yes. From the skins of the mountains to the depths of the sea, across all her vast surfaces, she blooms with as much life as can possibly be. Yesses everywhere swimming and floating and running, dancing a trillion dances for the sun.  Can we learn to bring as much life as we can to every place that we are, as she does?  Can we learn to nurture what we love and not kill what we fear?  What is the answer?  Yes.

–Anne Herbert




August 9th, 2024

Hello, and good wishes to you… may love prevail in the world, now more than ever.

Huge things have been going on these past ten months: huge cruelty, violence, and suffering; also huge expressions of love and solidarity and care.

My heart is especially with the people of Gaza, whose suffering is cataclysmic.  My heart is with all of us, yearning for the day when we refuse to harm each other, and refuse to allow other people to commit such harm. 

Ahimsa, or non-harming, is the first of the Yamas, the very first practice on the path of yoga.  May we practice ahimsa, teach ahimsa, insist on ahimsa from our politicians and from each other.

If you find yourself struggling with these challenging times, I send you love and care as well.


I will need to miss teaching my free online Gentle Yoga class on three Saturdays in the next month and a half: August 10th, September 7th and September 14th.  So I’ve recorded this yoga practice for people who’d like to do some yoga this way instead.  The practice in this video is very similar to what we do in these Saturday morning classes, and similar to other Gentle Yoga classes that I teach as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgkJrPtSaZM

I hope that you’ll enjoy this!  And for anyone who prefers practicing when we can be live online together, I will still teach the Saturday morning Gentle Yoga class on August 17th, 24th and 31st, then come back to teaching regularly on Saturdays beginning September 21st.  Here is the zoom link for the live class: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83014638156?pwd=L2NtcS9xWjVyVmo5SEY1WGpBcHZ4UT09



These days I teach a range of fairly inexpensive online community yoga classes, through Madison School Community Recreation (MSCR); I also teach one free Saturday morning class offered through this website. 

You can scroll down this page to find links and information for all of these online group classes. 


I also offer individual online yoga sessions through the Dane County Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) program, for people with limited resources and mental health diagnoses.  This is how I do most of my work with people; I think it’s a good program and I’m grateful for it.  You can learn more about CCS here: https://www.danecountyhumanservices.org/Behavioral-Health/Comprehensive-Community-Services


In late 2023 I was offered an opportunity to make a video presentation for the international training program in Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga, or TCTSY, the evidence-based adjunct treatment for trauma that I use in my work.  I spent February this year preparing versions of it in Spanish and English, to be shared with participants in the training near the end of their eight months studying together, 

I loved getting to talk with my TCTSY supervisor Luisa Perez in Mexico City about the themes I was asked to include in the presentation, and then pulling together quotations and references to support the work.  I mostly feel good about what came out of this, and I’m glad to offer other people who might be interested in this kind of yoga a chance to look at the presentation.

Here is a link to it in English: https://youtu.be/Zu6GW7djVaM


A finales de 2023, me ofrecieron la oportunidad de hacer una presentación en vídeo para el programa de formación internacional en Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga, o TCTSY, el tratamiento complementario basado en evidencia para el trauma que utilizo en mi trabajo. Pasé febrero de este año preparando versiones en español e inglés, para compartirlas con los participantes en la formación cerca del final de sus ocho meses de estudio juntos.

Me encantó hablar con mi supervisora de TCTSY, Luisa Pérez de la Ciudad de México, sobre los temas que me pidieron que incluyera en la presentación, y luego reunir citas y referencias para respaldar el trabajo. Me siento bien con el resultado de esto y me complace ofrecer a otras personas que puedan estar interesadas en este tipo de yoga la oportunidad de ver la presentación.

Aquí hay un enlace en español: https://youtu.be/guLd5kLlDQg 


Free classes, Clases gratuitas 

I offer free drop-in online yoga classes every Saturday morning at 9 am (Wisconsin time) or 8 am (El Salvador time)… 

I also used to offer classes on Tuesday evenings, but as I’ll be in far-off time zones for the next few months I’m letting go of these for now. 

Ofrezco clases de yoga en línea gratuitas todos los sábados por la mañana a las 9 am (hora de Wisconsin) o las 8 am (hora de El Salvador)… 

También solía ofrecer clases los martes por la noche, pero como estaré en zonas horarias lejanas durante los próximos meses, las dejaré de lado por ahora.


Yoga Suave Sábados a las 9 a. m., hora estándar del centro (8 a. m. en El Salvador)  Clases en línea gratuitas sin cita previa, que ofrecen hatha yoga de pie, sentado y acostado sobre una colchoneta, para aliviar el estrés, fortalecer el sistema inmunológico y aumentar el bienestar. 

Gentle Yoga Saturdays at 9 am Central Standard Time (8 am in El Salvador)  Free drop-in online classes, offering hatha yoga from standing, sitting, and lying on a mat, to relieve stress, strengthen the immune system, and increase well-being. 



with love, con amor,





To learn about community yoga classes that I teach online for Madison School Community Recreation (MSCR), you can scroll further down the page… 

Other resources on this website include:

Poems from a variety of poets: https://clarenorelle.com/category/poetry/

Information on trauma and healing in the body: https://clarenorelle.com/trauma-and-healing-in-the-body/



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If you have come here to help me you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.  –Lilla Watson, Aboriginal elder, activist and educator from Queensland, Australia.




I appreciate and feel so much gratitude for the long history of yoga in India: for the practitioners who carried it forward and developed it, and for the many diverse paths that they travelled with yoga over time, first in India and then out into other areas of the world. I love yoga practices for how they can support physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, and for how they can strengthen a sense of self-determination, freedom, connection, and solidarity with the world around us.

So I want yoga to be accessible to anyone who wants to try it. For people of different backgrounds and histories and bodies of all kinds. Inexpensively or for free, whenever possible.


All of the yoga classes I teach are informed by my training and certification in Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY), emphasizing skills that can minimize the long-term neurological and whole-body impact of overwhelming experiences, helping to strengthen resilience, immunity, and general well-being.


Online group yoga sessions, Fall 2024


Mondays / Lunes  

10:15 am CST, Yoga Suave en sillas, en línea, Madison School Community Recreation (MSCR): 9 septiembre – 9 diciembre  Para personas con más de 50 años; una práctica relajante, sentada en sillas y de pie usando sillas para apoyar sus movimientos y estiramientos. Para inscribirse: mscr.org 

7 pm CST, MSCR Yin Yoga online, September 9th – December 9th Slow, long-held stretches sitting and lying on the ground; a peaceful practice, good for increasing physical and emotional flexibility.  To register: mscr.org


Tuesdays / Martes 

10:30 am CST, Gentle Yoga online, MSCR Goodman Rotary, September 10th – December 10th. A gentle hatha yoga practice combining stretching, strengthening, balancing, and guided rest. This is a Goodman Rotary Class, for people over 50. To register: mscr.org


Thursdays / Jueves  

10:30 am CST, Gentle Flow Yoga online, MSCR Goodman Rotary, September 12th – December 12th.   A gentle flowing practice, creating rhythms of movement through standing, kneeling, sitting, and reclining yoga positions. This is a Goodman Rotary Class, for people over 50. To register: mscr.org


Saturdays / Sábado 

Gentle Yoga for Stress Release: free ongoing drop-in sessions, Saturdays at 9 am in Wisconsin and 8 am in El Salvador;.  Hatha yoga standing, sitting, and lying on a mat, to relieve stress, strengthen the immune system, and increase well-being. Yoga Suave para Aliviar el Estrés gratuita, sin necesidad de inscribirse, los sábados 8 am en El Salvador, 9 am en Wisconsin: Hatha yoga de pie, sentade, y acostade en un tapete o colchoneta, para aliviar el estrés, fortalecer el sistema inmunológico, y aumentar el bienestar; sesiones gratuitas cada semana. 


Meeting ID: 830 1463 8156


10:15 MSCR Yin Yoga online September 14th – December 14th  Slow, long-held stretches sitting and lying on the ground; a peaceful practice, good for increasing physical and emotional flexibility.  To register: mscr.org





The world is full of beauty, magic, miracles, and patterns that induce wonder… Emergence is one of the best concepts I have learned for discussing this wonder.   Emergence emphasizes critical connections over critical mass, building authentic relationships, listening with all the senses of the body and the mind.

The crisis is everywhere, massive massive massive.  And we are small.

But emergence notices the way small actions and connections create complex systems, patterns that become ecosystems and societies.  Emergence is our inheritance as a part of this universe; it is how we change.  Emergent strategy is how we intentionally change in ways that grow our capacity to embody the just and liberated worlds we long for.

adrienne maree brown, Emergent Strategy

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